Breastfeeding Tips

Preparing for Breastfeeding

How to Prepare for Breastfeeding 

You’re little one is growing in your belly, the registry is all set, nursery is making good progress. What else ...
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freezer stash of breast milk

I Have All This Milk Now, What Do I Do with It?

There are a few basic concepts for storing breastmilk that are important to remember to protect the integrity of the ...
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7 Mistakes New Breastfeeding Parents Make

Here are 7 mistakes we see new breastfeeding parents make.... Can you think of any others?  ❌ Expecting your pediatrician ...
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Newborn sleeping - Bayou City Breastfeeding

Decoding Newborn Feeding: Navigating the First 48 Hours with Confidence 

Some of the hardest times for feeding a newborn begin while in the hospital. Our breasts do not feel full, ...
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Bayou City Breastfeeding

Exploring Oral Restrictions: Insights for Better Understanding

Tongue tie, lip tie, cheek ties…..all the buzz words these days it seems. Take a look at any parent/mom centered ...
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Postpartum Depression Mental Health Awareness

May: Fostering Mental Health and Postpartum Wellness

It’s May! Last month of the school year (for most), flowers are in bloom (still have quite a bit of ...
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Baby in a Bodywork Session

How Will Bodywork Help My Baby?

Chiropractic care for infants can offer several potential benefits, including: Facilitating optimal breastfeeding: Infants who have difficulties when nursing can ...
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mother pumping milk

Exclusive Pumping: Not Just for Going Back to Work

Mothers can choose to pump milk and feed the baby via bottle with expressed breast milk. We call this method ...
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Bottle Feeding a Breast Fed Baby

Bottle Feeding the Breastfed Baby

You have heard horror stories, right? You gave your breastfed baby a bottle and now they will not breast feed ...
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freezer stash of breast milk

The Myth of the Freezer Stash 

I have been a breastfeeding mom for a majority of the last 17 years (currently at a total of 108months, ...
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