Our Services
Prenatal Services
Getting breastfeeding education while you are still expecting is one of the best investments you can make. Research clearly demonstrates that parents who have prenatal breastfeeding education are more successful in meeting their breastfeeding goals.
There are lots of options for prenatal breastfeeding education, including group classes, online classes and private consultations.

Prenatal Services
Getting breastfeeding education while you are still expecting is one of the best investments you can make. Research clearly demonstrates that parents who have prenatal breastfeeding education are more successful in meeting their breastfeeding goals.
There are lots of options for prenatal breastfeeding education, including group classes, online classes and private consultations.
Private Prenatal Consultations
Do you have specific concerns and want a prenatal consultation tailored to your specific needs? Then you should consider a scheduling a private prenatal consultation. During these visits we provide specific guidance and support for clients with concerns such as:
- First time parents
- Difficult breastfeeding experience with your last baby
- Specific health concerns (PCOS, thyroid issues, diabetes, breast or weight-loss surgery, history of low milk supply, etc.)
- Inducing lactation
- Co-nursing with your partner
- Chestfeeding
- Exclusively pumping
- Nursing a baby with special needs
Chose to have your prenatal consultation in the comfort of your home, come see us in any of the 5 office locations located throughout the greater Houston area, or have a virtual consult through our HIPAA compliant telemedicine video conferencing system.
Once you have had your baby, you can be seen for a postpartum consultation. We offer in-patient lactation visits, home visits, office visits and virtual visits.
Did you have difficulty breastfeeding a previous child, do you have a history of tongue tie in your family, or are you just anxious about getting support in the hospital? Then consider scheduling an in-patient lactation visit. We know that hospital-based lactation consultants are busy and have to spread their time between numerous patients. We can provide you the support you need.
Note, due to hospital COVID-19 restrictions, availability of in-patient lactation visits may be limited.
Struggling to get breastfeeding established in the early postpartum days? Having a lot of nipple or breast pain? Worried about getting your milk supply established? Wondering if you need to start pumping? Then an in-depth visit with one of our IBCLCs is just what you need.
Once you have had your baby, you can be seen for a postpartum consultation. We offer in-patient lactation visits, home visits, office visits and virtual visits.

Babies are amazing creatures, continually changing, and growing. And because of this, often, families are encountering new challenges as the child grows. We offer nursing well check visits to existing patients to help guide specific points in the breastfeeding journey.

Babies are amazing creatures, continually changing, and growing. And because of this, often, families are encountering new challenges as the child grows. We offer nursing well check visits to existing patients to help guide specific points in the breastfeeding journey.
We also strongly believe that breastfeed babies should have monthly weight checks, so these visits are also a good way to monitor your child’s weight gain and make sure that they are gaining well.
This visit is timed between the 2-month and 4-month well-check visits with your pediatrician. Many families are facing challenges and changes at this point, such as a parent returning to work, changes in sleep patterns, difficulties with bottle feeding, nursing strikes, or babies who are getting distracted while feeding.
This visit will also give anticipatory guidance of what changes you can expect to see in your child over the next two months, and we assess motor function and milestones.
This visit is timed between the 4-month and 6-month well-check visit with your pediatrician. Along with a weight check and assessing motor function and milestones, we typically discuss how and when to introduce solid foods, and address any other concerns the parents have.
This visit is timed between the 6-month and 9-month well-check visits with your pediatrician. Along with a weight check and assessing motor function and milestones, we will discuss concerns related to solid food feedings and any other concerns the parents have.
This visit is timed between the 6-month and 9-month well-check visits with your pediatrician. Along with a weight check and assessing motor function and milestones, we will discuss concerns related to solid food feedings and any other concerns the parents have.
Bottle Feeding Consultations
Did you know that Lactation Consultants can help with bottle feeding? IBCLCs are Infant Feeding Specialists and are the only provider fully trained in all infant feeding methods.
Wondering if you should schedule a bottle feeding consultation? Ask yourself these questions about your baby's bottle feedings:
- Is your baby coughing or choking while bottle feeding?
- Does your baby need a bib because they leak while feeding?
- Do you hear clicking or gulping sounds when your baby takes a bottle?
- Is your baby refusing to take a bottle?
- Does your baby have colic?
- Does your baby spit up a lot or have reflux?
- Are you concerned about the way your baby's breathing sounds during or after feedings?
These are all things that we can help with!
It doesn't matter whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding, we are here to support you in helping your baby feed better.
Bottle Feeding Consultations
Did you know that Lactation Consultants can help with bottle feeding? IBCLCs are Infant Feeding Specialists and are the only provider fully trained in all infant feeding methods.

Lactation consultants help with nutrition too -- for mom and baby!

Lactation consultants help with nutrition too -- for mom and baby!
Our comprehensive nutrition support program offers guidance and assistance for both expecting mothers and new mothers navigating the journey of pregnancy and breastfeeding. We provide tailored advice to address specific needs such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and ensuring adequate nutrition for both mother and baby. From prenatal nutrition planning to postpartum support, we're here to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to optimize your health and the health of your little one.
Infant Reflux and Allergy
We understand the challenges that infant reflux and allergies can pose for breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Our breastfeeding support program is designed to provide guidance and assistance to address these issues effectively. Whether it's finding the right feeding positions to minimize reflux symptoms or identifying and managing potential allergens in the mother's diet, we're here to offer personalized strategies and support. With our expert advice and compassionate guidance, we aim to help mothers navigate the complexities of breastfeeding while ensuring the comfort and well-being of their little ones.
Infant Reflux and Allergy

Lactation consultants help with pumping too -- not just latching the baby to the breast!

Lactation consultants help with pumping too -- not just latching the baby to the breast!
Most breastfeeding parents today end up using a breast pump at one point or another. And while the breast pumps are very convenient, no one really shows you how to use your pump, or help you if you are having problems with pumping. And some breastfeeding parents might choose to exclusively pump, instead of latching their baby directly to the breast. Ask yourself these questions about pumping:
- Which breast pump would be best for you?
- Are you using your pump correctly?
- Does pumping hurt?
- Are you using the right flange size?
- How do you get more milk when pumping?
- What about exclusively pumping?
- How do you wean from pumping?
We can help answer or solve all these problems.
We understand the unique challenges and concerns that arise when going back to work and provide personalized guidance to ensure a smooth and successful breastfeeding journey. From establishing a pumping routine to storing and handling breast milk properly, we offer practical tips and support to help mothers maintain their breastfeeding goals while balancing the demands of returning to work. With our assistance, mothers can feel confident and empowered to continue providing their babies with the benefits of breastfeeding, even while away from home.

We understand the unique challenges and concerns that arise when going back to work and provide personalized guidance to ensure a smooth and successful breastfeeding journey. From establishing a pumping routine to storing and handling breast milk properly, we offer practical tips and support to help mothers maintain their breastfeeding goals while balancing the demands of returning to work. With our assistance, mothers can feel confident and empowered to continue providing their babies with the benefits of breastfeeding, even while away from home.
Many infants have feeding problems due to oral restrictions (tongue tie, lip tie, buccal tie, etc.). Our standard of care is to do a full oral assessment (function and structure) for every baby we see as part of our standard postpartum and bottle feeding visits. If your baby does have an oral restriction and is referred for a frenotomy/frenectomy procedure, we have specific visits tailored to support you through the entire process.
If you are having any of the following symptoms, you should consider having your baby assessed for ties.
- Difficulty latching, or requiring a nipple shield to latch
- Latch pain or cracked, bleeding nipples
- Milk supply problems
- Clicking, coughing, leaking, choking or gulping while feeding
- Colic, gas and reflux symptoms
- White coating on the tongue
- High, narrow, or bubble palate
- Loud breathing or constant nasal congestion
- Difficulty with weight gain, or excessive weight loss
- Consistently long feedings or falling asleep while feeding
- Mouth breathing or open mouth posture at rest
- Bottle or pacifier refusal
Many infants have feeding problems due to oral restrictions (tongue tie, lip tie, buccal tie, etc.). Our standard of care is to do a full oral assessment (function and structure) for every baby we see as part of our standard postpartum and bottle feeding visits. If your baby does have an oral restriction and is referred for a frenotomy/frenectomy procedure, we have specific visits tailored to support you through the entire process.

Does your baby have the following symptoms?
- has a tongue, lip and/or buccal tie
- the baby’s head tilts in one direction.
- the baby’s chin points to one shoulder and the head tilts to the other shoulder
- the baby has difficulty turning its head.
- has a flat spot on the back or side of the head or hair loss
Bodywork may be the therapy needed to assist with one or more of these issues!
Chiropractic is a form of bodywork therapy that involves gentle manipulations of the spine and other joints to help improve the function of the nervous system. It is believed that this therapy can help alleviate a variety of conditions, including colic, reflux, and sleeping difficulties in babies

Does your baby have the following symptoms?
- has a tongue, lip and/or buccal tie
- the baby’s head tilts in one direction.
- the baby’s chin points to one shoulder and the head tilts to the other shoulder
- the baby has difficulty turning its head.
- has a flat spot on the back or side of the head or hair loss
Bodywork may be the therapy needed to assist with one or more of these issues!
Chiropractic is a form of bodywork therapy that involves gentle manipulations of the spine and other joints to help improve the function of the nervous system. It is believed that this therapy can help alleviate a variety of conditions, including colic, reflux, and sleeping difficulties in babies.
In addition to chiropractic adjustments, bodywork for babies can also include gentle exercises, tummy time, and massage. These techniques can help relieve tension and promote relaxation in babies, which can lead to improved sleep, digestion, and overall well-being
We believe that most infants with restricted oral tissue (tongue, lip and/or buccal ties) also benefit from bodywork prior to and after the frenectomy procedure as it helps the infant gain the most benefit from the release of a tie.
Additionally, many infants that have experienced birth trauma, have torticollis (head tilts) or plagiocephaly (flat spots on the head) see significant improvements in oral function with gentle bodywork. We have practitioners within our practice who specialize in bodywork and cranial sacral therapy.
Photobiomodulation (PBM)
Photobiomodulation therapy uses light in the red to near-infrared spectrum (600nm to 1064nm) to energize the body's cells, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. This light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, which increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy currency of the cell, essential for repairing and regenerating tissues. PBM therapy acts like a health spa for your cells, boosting their natural healing abilities and promoting overall well-being without any heat or discomfort.

Photobiomodulation (PBM)
Photobiomodulation therapy uses light in the red to near-infrared spectrum (600nm to 1064nm) to energize the body's cells, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. This light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, which increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy currency of the cell, essential for repairing and regenerating tissues. PBM therapy acts like a health spa for your cells, boosting their natural healing abilities and promoting overall well-being without any heat or discomfort.
Weaning begins with the introduction of anything other than breast milk, but many families think of weaning as when we begin to introduce the baby to solid foods. Weaning is also a term that is used to describe stopping breastfeeding. Our practice supports your family through the entire lifetime of breastfeeding, and that means that we can help you with weaning too.

Weaning begins with the introduction of anything other than breast milk, but many families think of weaning as when we begin to introduce the baby to solid foods. Weaning is also a term that is used to describe stopping breastfeeding. Our practice supports your family through the entire lifetime of breastfeeding, and that means that we can help you with weaning too.
Wondering if you should schedule a weaning consult? The questions below may help you decide if a weaning consult would be helpful to you.
- Wondering how to introduce your baby to solid foods?
- Need help with maintaining your milk supply when baby begins to eat more solid foods?
- Have questions about how much pumping you need to be doing?
- Wondering how and when to introduce your baby to a cup?
- What exactly is baby-led-weaning?
- Need guidance on how to stop breastfeeding?
- Need guidance on how to wean from pumping?
- What foods should your baby be eating?
Virtual Consultations (Telehealth)
We offer virtual lactation consultations for our clients. This allows clients who are unable to have an in-person consultation still get lactation support. Clients are often surprised at how effective these visits are in addressing common concerns, such as latch pain and milk supply.
HIPAA Compliant Telehealth
Visits are booked as a 60-minute appointment and are provided through our HIPAA compliant telemedicine platform.
What do you need:
You must have an adequate internet connection to use our video telemedicine platform
You will need to download our HIPAA compliant application on your phone or computer.
You will be asked to provide information (intake forms, photos and videos) prior to your visit
You will need to have adequate lighting and may want to have a flashlight available for the visit
It is beneficial to have a second person available to help with positioning the camera to allow the IBCLC to view the latch
Virtual Consultations (Telehealth)
We offer virtual lactation consultations for our clients. This allows clients who are unable to have an in-person consultation still get lactation support. Clients are often surprised at how effective these visits are in addressing common concerns, such as latch pain and milk supply.

Classes & Support Groups

Classes & Support Groups
The Tummy Time TM Method class teaches parents not only how to get their babies to enjoy Tummy Time TM, but also how to use it as a therapy. With the focus on safe sleep and Back To Sleep, many parents struggle with having their babies spend time on their tummy.
Lack of time on their tummies leads to the flat head syndrome, torticollis, delayed motor skill development, and poor tongue posture. Tummy Time TM helps babies who are recovering from frenectomy procedures or who are dealing with reflux, colic, or digestive problems.
Class size is limited to four pre-crawling infants and their caregivers. Registration is required.
This class is for parents who want more information about how to introduce solids using Baby-Led Weaning. Baby-Led Weaning (or infant self-feeding) is a way of introducing solids that reduces the likelihood that your child will be a picky eater.
It is especially helpful for babies who have had oral restrictions or who have food allergies. The class size is limited. Registration is required.
This class is intended for parents who are returning to work within the next month. Topics covered include pumping at work, bottle feeding techniques, determining how much milk to send, milk handling and food safety, how to maintain milk supply when returning to work, and integrating bottle feeding and breastfeeding. The class size is limited. Registration is required.
This prenatal class is intended for both first-time parents and parents who would like to review the basics of breastfeeding.
Topics covered include preparing for breastfeeding, skin to skin, breastfeeding in the first hours, breastfeeding in the hospital, establishing milk supply, how to tell if you baby is getting enough milk, what to expect when you get home, what to expect in the first week, basic latch and positioning, hand expression and breast pumps, and preventing common problems.
This weekly support group is intended for parents whose baby had a frenectomy procedure. Registration is required as group size is limited to allow the IBCLC to perform wound healing checks and give guidance on wound care, healing, and exercises.
While infants may feed during the support group meeting, this group is not intended to provide support for the latch, positioning, milk supply, or other breastfeeding issues. Attendees are not required to be working with one of our IBCLCs to participate in this group.
This support group is not specific to breastfeeding families, but is inclusive for all families.
Sleep is crucial for both your baby's development and your well-being. Our sleep consultations provide personalized strategies to help your baby establish healthy sleep patterns. Whether you're dealing with frequent night wakings, short naps, or difficulty settling down, our experts offer evidence-based guidance and support. We work with you to create a sleep plan that fits your family's needs and promotes restful nights for everyone.