During my first pregnancy, my intent to breastfeed was a common conversation topic, and advice was readily offered. Stories depicted breastfeeding as either an idyllic bonding experience or a form of medieval torture. Although much of the advice was helpful, I assumed I would instinctively know how to breastfeed since it was the “natural” way to feed a baby. Mothers had been feeding their newborns for millions of years—how could something so natural be so hard?
Breastfeeding Comes Naturally, Right?
After an uneventful pregnancy and birth, I had a rude awakening—breastfeeding wasn’t “natural” for me. After many trials, I exclusively pumped and provided breast milk until my child was nearly two. This is now one of my highest personal accomplishments, eventually resulting in my current career in lactation.
Many parents encounter similar difficulties that undermine their breastfeeding experience. The CDC reports that in 2017 85.9% of new Texas mothers attempted breastfeeding, but less than 23.9% reached the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.
Expectant parents often ask me what they need to successfully breastfeed. My best answer is not a long list of instructions or supplies, but short list of simple suggestions:
Don’t Rely Strictly on Book Knowledge or Online Resources
Before conceiving my first child, I spent hours online and reading books about pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. I had never actually seen anyone breastfeed, but I had played with dolls as a child, and I believed that I would instinctively know how to hold, feed and care for a baby. I was a smart, savvy woman with a successful career, how hard could this really be? I now understand that the real knowledge of how to breastfeed and care for a newborn is not just gained from reading a book but is learned by doing it and seeing other mothers breastfeed.
Just like learning to ride a bike, you can’t learn how to breastfeed by reading a book. You have to get your butt up on the seat and start pedaling.
Build Your Breastfeeding Support Network
Connecting with other breastfeeding mothers is essential for postpartum support. Also, talk to your partner about how to support you while breastfeeding.
While there is a deep instinctual knowledge that we can call upon, many new parents struggle with the practical application of this knowledge. In most cultures, new parents learn these essential skills from other experienced parents. Many of our own parents did not breastfeed – resulting in a generational gap in breastfeeding know-how. Geographic separation, common in many extended families, adds to the isolation of new mothers in our society. It is helpful for new parents to connect with experienced parents in the local community. Support groups, La Leche League groups, and IBCLC Lactation Consultants are all good resources.
A prenatal consultation with an IBCLC Lactation Consultant is a great way to start building your support network.
Support is the biggest predictor of success.
Know Who to Trust
Someone with training in lactation should assess your specific situation with care and compassion
During my breastfeeding difficulties, it seemed that everyone told me something different. Even trusted medical advisors often did not give the same advice, so it was difficult to decide who was right.
Now I know that lactation, from a medical perspective, is not held in the same regard as other areas of medicine. In fact, some hospitals and medical facilities do not require any lactation training for their staff. As a new parent, you have the right to expect adequate lactation support and the responsibility to question inappropriate advice.
It is also important to understand the difference between an IBCLC Lactation Consultant and the other “lactation specialists” in the community. IBCLC Lactation Consultants are required to have at least 90 hours of lactation specific training, must have completed specific college prerequisites, and have completed hundreds or thousands of clinical hours before even being allowed to sit for the board exam for Lactation Consultants. The IBCLC certification is the gold standard in lactation. By contrast a CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) or Breastfeeding Educator is only required to take a one-week course on lactation. For more information, read this great article on www.secondninemonths.com.
International Board Certified Lactation Consultants have the more training and education in the field of lactation and infant feeding than any other medical provider.
Know When to Ask for Help
Breastfeeding should be a positive experience for both parent and baby on many levels. When nursing, endorphins released in both parent and child results in an improved bonding experience.
Breastfeeding should not be stressful, painful or torturous. But unexpected problems can sometimes arise, such as when the baby’s latch changes as the milk comes in. Pain is the body’s indicator that something is wrong and is the most common reason for early weaning.
Although many latch problems self-resolve by about 6 weeks, expecting parents to endure weeks of discomfort is unreasonable. Correct positioning and latch can sometimes correct nipple pain with simple instruction. At other times, an issue such as a lip or tongue tie may cause the difficulty, but it takes an experienced eye to spot what’s not right.
New parents often are concerned about how much milk their baby is getting when nursing. Milk supply issues (real or perceived) are the second most common reason for early weaning, and Lactation Consultants can be very helpful in those situations.
If you are having concerns or difficulties with breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to ask for help and see a lactation consultant, and your insurance may even cover the services for you.
Pain while breastfeeding is COMMON but not NORMAL.
If you are having pain, you should ask for help.

[…] Check out this article on the advice one mother wishes she had been given about breastfeeding! […]