My name is Rosy, and my journey started last year on February 9th, when I had my little girl Renata. As a first time mom, I was nervous, but I wanted to educated myself as much as possible about breastfeeding my baby, as it was my goal. I took online classes with my husband and my mom with a great lactation consultant from Venezuela, as I wanted us to be ready for our baby.
I delivered her without problem, she climbed to my breast and nursed in the first hour. While nursing her, I was trying to put in practice all my acquired knowledge, but it did not look it was working, my nipples were in pain and latching wasn’t deep. Lactation consultants at the hospital came 3 times and told me I was doing it correct, and they left me with a manual pump on the desk just in case I needed it ((with no explanation).
From Friday to Sunday my baby had already lost 8% of weight. During the hospital checkout the pediatrician told me that was normal, just give some formula and she should be fine. I told her I was already settled in my beliefs, and I wanted to feed my baby, and formula was not an option. When we got home, my baby could not stop crying, I was nursing her, but nothing was calming her much.
I felt inside me, something was wrong, and told my husband to look for a lactation consultant to come home next day. God listened to my prayers, and sent me an angel next day at 9am, it was Suzanne Juel. She came to our lives to give me peace, comfort to my physical and soul pain, and make me confident about my capabilities to nurse. She identified my daughter had upper lip and tongue tie, that was why my baby was able to latch efficiently to make my milk to come down. Kindly, Suzanne taught me how to use the pump to make my milk come down and how to nurse my little girl with bleeding nipples. It was a long process, tongue and lip massages before every nursing session, pain 24/7, but my little girl started to gain weight, and 6 week later she got her frenotomy, and pain went away.
Suzanne was always there for us, her last visit was after my baby turned 2 months, when she released us from her wings. Now, we have 18-months of breastfeeding, 18 months of loving every single minute I spend with my daughter during nursing. It has created a bond between us that nothing can break. Only with a look, I can tell what she is trying to tell me because I have been looked at those eyes in every nursing session.
I followed my mother’s instincts and looked for professional help, now I can give the best gift a mother can give to her kid for life, breast milk. I hope every woman out there can believe in her power to crate and give life and promote and support more the natural act of nursing.