Nothing with my birth went the way I wanted it to go. I ended up having an emergency c-section five weeks early due to preeclampsia. No semblance at all to my planned water birth at a birthing center with midwives and doula in a softly lit room and essential oils wafting through the air. Breastfeeding was all I had left. I needed it to work, I prayed for it to go well, but I had a month-old baby who cried nonstop and never slept and my heart was breaking more each day. I was not going to give up, but if it had not been for Suzanne Juel with Bayou City Breastfeeding, I don’t think we would have made it. She understood how important it was to me to be successful for my baby. Suzanne was amazing and saw all our issues right away. I learned so much in that first meeting with her. She made changes to our technique and changes to my diet. The mouth exercises she had us do six times a day were not fun, but she knew how much our daughter needed them. She made a plan and sent us to the chiropractor, pediatric dentist and osteopath to get our daughter the additional help she needed. It was not long before we had a completely different baby. I now have the happiest eight-month-old with the cutest chubby cheeks and our breastfeeding relationship couldn’t be more perfect! Suzanne was an answered prayer and I am so incredibly thankful. She has the knowledge and skills to identify and correct issues, but more importantly she truly cares and has the heart to help mommas and babies. Thanks to Suzanne’s help, I now have a positive ending to my birth story.