Policies for Clients with United Healthcare Insurance

Billing Policy
We are in network with most UHC plans. Oxford, marketplace plans, and HMO are three plans we are not in network to bill.
If we are in network with your UHC plan, we will submit a claim for you for both mom and baby. We will attempt to pre-verify your benefits, but we do not guarantee coverage of benefits or payment of claims.
You are responsible for knowing and confirming your own lactation benefits, and confiming that we are an in network provider with your specific plan and if there are any restrictions or limitations on your benefits.
If your policy applies a copay, coinsurance, or deductible, to your finalized claim you will be billed for these charges. A finalized claim will be emailed with a breakdown of these charges and the card on file will be billed within 24 hrs.
Some UHC plans require a referral or preauthorization. We reccomend checking with your plan if these are requirements for you. If our claim is denied by UHC because the services rendered require a referral/ preauthorization, and one was not obtained prior to your appointment, you will be billed at our discounted cash pay rates.
If our services are not covered by UHC, you will be billed at our discounted cash pay rates.